Every year, schools elect a council to assist the student body’s needs, and Meridian’s student council consists of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Publicist.
Student council roles involve a variety of responsibilities, such as promoting school spirit, supervising, managing school events, sponsoring school activities, and much more. Those in positions of leadership obtain specific skills, such as handling money, recording meeting minutes, etc., which are utilized to help better the school.
It isn’t as simple as it may sound, as those running have to go through a lengthy application and election process. Vice President Emrie Molina-Sindrey, a senior who’s previously been a part of the student council, shares what the process was like for her: “This year it was a lot different than last year, it had a lot more rigorous expectations,” says Sindrey. Those expectations include certain deadlines for campaigning such as creating posters, a video, a speech in front of an advisory, and more.
Sindrey also discusses what she’s looking forward to in Student Council: “I enjoy working with Mrs.Gentillet [the student council sponsor] and kids from other grades because you don’t normally get that opportunity.” Sindrey also emphasizes how she enjoys the planning process in Student Council, one of the major tasks of the VP position.
Dana Prahbu, the President of StuCo, discusses how she and the rest of the council hope to raise school spirit. “We want to increase school pride and overall school culture.” The team hopes to create more events that students will enjoy, and make them feel proud to be a Meridian lion. “I really hope that as StuCo, we can touch base with the student body better and put energy into things that students actually enjoy”, Dana remarks, and so far, it seems to be going well.

In all, Student Council has been a chief factor in schools for several years, and has built the basis of student voices across the globe. In Meridian STUCO specifically, we are able to create a spirited atmosphere filled with events such as homecoming and socials; we hope to see many more exciting things from Meridian’s StuCo this year!